Watercolor of my ancient vessel of French Navy helicopters's carrier "Jeanne d'Arc" boat school of midships, also carried me over oceans and seas of the world for 2 rounds of the globe......Thanks to her I visited many harbours and cities of the whole world :
Tokyo, Kobe and Nara, Hong-Kong, Djakarta, Noumea, Honolulu and Pearl Harbor, Papeete, Bora-Bora, Pascuas Island, Valparaiso and Santiago of Chile, Los Angeles and Palm Springs, Panama, Galveston and Houston, Curaçao, Fort de France, Pointe à Pitre, Boston, Québec, St Pierre and Miquelon, Santa Cruz Teneriffe, Dakar, Abidjan, Durban, Diego-Suarez, Mauritius, Naples and Pompei , Sorrente ......
Uploaded by chrisaqua47 on 15 Sep 10,
YOUR STYLE CANNOT BE MISTAKEN...You have a style that is most impressive, a style I admire and one that I could not reproduce if I tried. That is one of the reasons I like your work so very much--it is yours, unmistakenably yours. I would be able to identify your work no matter where I might be. That I admire your style should be obvious. I would love to have a style as unique as you have. I shall continue to work on my own watercolors and console myself with the fact that each artist has contributions to offer, some of more value in one area than others, but contributions nevertheless. I would love to see your work in a major exhibition somewhere.
Without any knowledge about this vessel, it first reminded me of scenes from my imagination, images of youthful wishes to traverse the seas of this world in a casual manner, going from port to port, celebrating the joys of each port, then returning to sail again. Oh, I had visions of being on such vessels and becoming a master seaman with many tales to tell. This is one reason I admire this particular work of art you have created. One can almost smell the diesel fuel and hear the engines turning the props, creating a wake that follows for awhile then disappears.
The reflections of your tri-colors is subtly seen at the bow, a touch of sheer artistry.
By Robert L. Huffstutter