Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Nanchang Jiangxi

Nanchang Jiangxi by woOoly
Nanchang Jiangxi, a photo by woOoly on Flickr.

Nanchang Jiangxi by woOoly

Someday I want to see China. This is a beautiful photo of the old China. Your contrasts and composition, so beautiful. Masterpiece work. Robert

Thanks to woOoly for this photo's exhibition in my online blog.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Highway by lhoracek
Highway, a photo by lhoracek on Flickr.


Steam Locomotive

Steam Locomotive by lhoracek
Steam Locomotive, a photo by lhoracek on Flickr.

A marvelous memory. I especially enjoy the REA wagon with sack of mail and other items.

Steam Locomotive by lhoracek

war 23

war 23 by andrew.donohue
war 23, a photo by andrew.donohue on Flickr.

ONE OF DONOHUE'S BEST OILS SO FAR...but that is only my opinion. I would recommend that art collectors contact Andy if you are an investor.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

my art studio

my art studio by
my art studio, a photo by on Flickr.

A LOOK INSIDE AN ARTIST'S STUDIO. UNIQUE is just a word to introduce the contents, but more unique and original is the artist herself, Jennifer Beinhacker. Here is a chance for some good reading right from the heart and soul of a most unique artist.

or simply click on this photo and you will go there. My thanks to Jennifer for her permission to post this photo of her studio.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I am so in love with this color,Green!


Saturday, August 20, 2011

SANTA MONICA 28 March 1964

There is a nostaligic charm of a bittersweet nature that beckons me back to these photos posted by Lance and Cromwell.

Time and again, I return to view this marvelous set of photos. It is not only the lust and the wishful thinking that lures my aged mind to return to the promenade, it is the overall mistique of the set that takes me back in time if I simply close my eyes for a few moments after viewing.

It is as though I hear the voices of the youth drifting up from the surf to tantalize my senses; it is as though I catch a breeze that is carrying a Kosher submarine sandwich combined with the scent of 60s tanning lotion. My olfactatory elements are almost ready to blow a fuse from the intensity of this illusionary scene.

I close my eyes and relax; I doze off brief only to awake to find a dove looking at me with more curiosity than I care to describe. Several moments pass. The dove's mate lights beside the other.
It is good to have such fond memories. It is good to be alive and able to remember those youthful, joyful days when my eyes met the eyes of many of my peers and generated a lustful wish.

Perhaps, perhaps there is more to lust than one might want to admit, at least publicly, but it is a writer's duty to record the reality of the past and the present.

THE CREATURE, the dance…

CREATURE, the dance… by Never Was An Arrow II

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Douglas A3D-2 Skywarrior

Douglas A3D-2 Skywarrior by aeroman3
Douglas A3D-2 Skywarrior, a photo by aeroman3 on Flickr.

Douglas A3D-2 Skywarrior by aeroman3
One of the most amazing planes built. Compare their dimensions with the Mitchell B-25 and see how these could barely take off--and land--on carriers. My thanks to AEROMAN3 for permission to exhibit this great photo in my blog.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Downtown Dallas/Farmer's Market

This is a photograph that is truly a work of art. Thanks to Teresa's curating mode, this scene is preserved, not on canvas, but electronically--until an artist paints this scene. What a cool painting this will make.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Twin Towers Sunrise - 1993

Twin Towers Sunrise - 1993 by JRABX
Twin Towers Sunrise - 1993, a photo by JRABX on Flickr.

Twin Towers Sunrise - 1993
"With the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy approaching, I felt that this might be a good time to share these images of the majestic World Trade Center." By Joel

Thanks to Joel, JRABX Flickr Photostream
Thanks to Joel for such a great image. Image is copyrighted.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Movie Poster From LOST WEEKEND

I have had so many lost weekends in my lifetime I could not begin to count them, especially the ones I can't remember. Oh, well, who's perfect?
Thanks to Richard Stranger for the poster image. It is a joy to add this to my online blog, especially when the days of the LOST WEEK ENDS are over. But isn't that what all the alkys say?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I LIVED UPSTAIRS HERE...and I have many stories to tell about the Traymore cocktail bar...tune in again sometime about my life in Hollywood...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Long lost manuscript might shed new light on the infamous duo who roamed the hills of he Ozarks in a shiny new Ford.

Photo is the property of the Earl R. Stonebridge Publishing Enterprises and is copyrighted.

According to Earl R. Stonebridge, Bonnie and Clyde had spent hours telling their life stories to a friend in the Ozarks.

After their fateful end, the manuscript disappeared, along with the writer who interviewed the two.
Now, for the first time in history, according to Earl, the manuscript has been found in the attic of a small Ozark cabin and it is being read at this very moment to authenticate its validity. If this work proves to be the "real McCoy" there is a small fortune to be made in book sales. That, according to Earl R. Stonebridge, novelist and social critic who resides south of Laguna Beach, California.

Interviewed by local media, Earl told reporters some of the details. "For the first time in years," Earl said, "I find I have some spare time on my hands and I want to take advantage of this opportunity to see what I can do with this manuscript. If all goes well, you might see a new book out in late fall," he told the media and some of his neighbors who are always chatting about literature at his poolside bar.

High-rollin the Dells

High-rollin the Dells by sd45hogger
High-rollin the Dells, a photo by sd45hogger on Flickr.

High-rollin the Dells by sd45hogger

Monday, August 8, 2011




This is more than an unfortunate event, it is a military tragedy of a huge dimension. There are many questions, in my opinion, that should be asked, not overlooked and accredited to the misfortune of war. Questions will be asked about why so many personnel were on one aircraft in an area that was a high risk fly-zone. Where was the intelligence? Who was in charge of the intelligence?

Photo by R.L.Huffstutter

Thursday, August 4, 2011


VIEW FROM MY APARTMENT IN JAPAN IN 1963. Inpspired by Van Gogh's style. I only wish that he had been able to have visited Japan. I can only imagine what he would have painted. He often mentioned Japanese art; he admired Japanese art and lifestyle. What artist doesn't?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Perth 121

Perth 121 by Tram Painter
Perth 121, a photo by Tram Painter on Flickr.

Perth 121
On Thursday, June 16, 2011, PETS finally brought 2nd A class tram 121 to Whiteman Park. It was built in 1928 and has now spent some decades in a yard in Forrestfield.

Some years ago I wrote this poem:

Perth Electric Tramway
by Graham Lees

Back in the years before the war when I first came to this land,
What we call the suburbs now was mostly scrub and sand.
The streets were rough and pot-holed from hoof and heavy load.
They laid two iron tram rails down the middle of the road.

From the Causeway down to Como and through Victoria Park
These wooden beasts would glide along from dawn till after dark.
To Claremont and to Subi, from Perth to Inglewood,
I'd ride those Perth Electric Trams as often as I could.

On Saturdays, Mum, Dad and I watched football in the town.
We'd catch the tram down Beaufort Street and then 'shank' it to the ground
And when I started courting, I lived out in the 'sticks'.
My girl and I would catch the tram to and from the flicks.

But streets and times got better. More motors shared the road.
The council said the tramway would finally have to go.
They all were old and past repair, their days were at an end.
Modern fleets of diesel buses were the latest trend.

But sometimes on a summer night when I'm hot and half asleep,
I dream I hear those wooden trams, rattling down the street.



GASHOUSE VENICE BEACH 1960 by roberthuffstutter

Yes, there were many immigrants from the Holocaust. Their Yiddish conversations were animated and continuous. While I could not understand what they were saying, they had much to talk about.

Kosher groceries and delis filled the air with delicious aromas. That, with the smell of the Pacific made a deep impression in my senses, aromas I love to remember along with the conversations I could not understand.

Venice-Beach-history Kosher-groceries Kosher-delis Holocaust-survivors Gas-House Venice-West-Cafe Ocean-Front-Walk Promenade young-artists young-poets young-writers Yiddish-conversations public-domain free-art

Photograph by R.L.Huffstutter

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Drift Wood

Drift Wood by BILBOV.(Lorus Maver)
Drift Wood, a photo by BILBOV.(Lorus Maver) on Flickr.

Drift Wood by BILBOV.(Lorus Maver

This photograph reminds me of the White Cliffs of Dover.

This is a masterpiece. I would compare this to an American counterpart famous for black and white photographs, Ansel Adams.

Truly, I am awestruck with the textures, the contrasts and the overall composition of this photo. Your eye for images is as perfect as your hand painting watercolours.

"Today,only the Gulls play"

"Today,only the Gulls... by BILBOV.(Lorus Maver)

"Today,only the Gulls play"
A 30 minute seascape study towards a larger painting, this is a vigorous piece to determine lights,contrast and overal mood, this was done on Bockingford with M graham watercolours.

One of my favorite watercolour artists in the last century...

Fort Worth Stockyards

Fort Worth Stockyards by TeresaH12
Fort Worth Stockyards, a photo by TeresaH12 on Flickr.

Fort Worth Stockyards by TeresaH12\_________________________________

This is truly an historical photo in that the moment I viewed the skyscraper, the rail fence and the railroad signs, I thought of a Dallas of the mid to late 1800s, a time I never knew but one that is embedded in my mind.

You have transended time through photography for this viewer.

Downtown Dallas/Farmer's Market

Downtown Dallas/Farmer's Market by TeresaH12

GOOD NEWS--FREE BEER IN DALLAS...just one of many photos by Teresa in her recent photoshoot. Set the entire set of unique photos of the Dallas Farmer's Market

Common Buckeye

Common Buckeye by HaarFager
Common Buckeye, a photo by HaarFager on Flickr.

Common Buckeye by HaarFager

IF YOU ARE A BUTTERFLY FAN, please take time to view Kenny Harrelson's BUTTERFLIES, a set featured in his Flickr Photostream. To access Kenny's set, simply click on this photo.


Monday, August 1, 2011

Colorado & Wyoming RR

Colorado & Wyoming RR by Sneebly
Colorado & Wyoming RR, a photo by Sneebly on Flickr.

Colorado & Wyoming RR by Sneebly

If I have ever seen a better photo of an oncoming locomotive, I cannot remember. This is a spectacular photograph. You had to make a real effort to get this masterpiece. I would imagine it was a fun experience. Robert


Long Walk to the Glacier

Long Walk to the Glacier by RandallTT
Long Walk to the Glacier, a photo by RandallTT on Flickr.

This appears to be an Ansel Adams photograph, but it is a work of art by on this photo and you will go to his Flickr Photostream. Amazing photographs

O Século Ilustrado, Nº 1247, Novembro 25 1961 - 32a

Is this what the world needs now? Would this make us think more clearly, give us more energy and more congenial?

THANKS TO MARIANA from whose Flickr photostream this is featured.