Monday, October 31, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Lincoln's Words Of Wisdom Still Valid
This is a "must read" for all who are Americans and live in America. Thanks to Jim Landon for sharing this in his Flickr Photostream, thus allowing me to post this in my online blog. These are words our President should post in his oval office. This message should also be in the offices of our Senators and Representatives.
Lincoln's Words Of Wisdom... by thegreatlandoni
Misty Tree, Peak District
STARTING MY MORNING BY A TRIP THROUGH FLICKR, I saw this great photo and my morning began in a most serene frame of mind. My first thought was an English morning in the 1600s. There must be a subliminal connection here, but I will simply enjoy this serene image and congratulalte the photographer, Allan R. Chapman
Misty Tree, Peak District by Allan R Chapman
Friday, October 28, 2011
Bufera.... di luce _ B&W
A masterpiece in black and white. Photo by Riccardo Brig Casarico
Bufera.... di luce _ B&W by Riccardo Brig Casarico
Thursday, October 27, 2011
this is an excellent composition. I have always found umbrellas fascinating. Likewise, I enjoy the colorful and neat rugs above the umbrellas. Great photo.
KOMBI BY MWanderleyphotos.
This is a classic VW bus and thank for sharing this photo with the readers of my blog.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Before I joined the Navy, I had a lot of decisions to make. Should I hang out in Santa Monica or just goof around down at the Gashouse. Maybe I should walk along the beach sipping wine from a bottle in a brown paper bag. Life was so complicated back then. Not really, but it was sure a lot of fun.
The Dear Departed~!
The caption beneath this photo by Siddharthan Raman is:
"Saying goodbye isn’t the hard part, it’s what we leave behind that’s tough."
There is much wisdom in your caption. What we leave behind can be very heartbreaking as the years pass. While this is somewhat comforting, it is also bittersweet. One can only imagine the sad departures of those we loved and never see again. Robert
Saturday, October 22, 2011
SANTA MONICA 28 March 1964
MEMORIES TOO SWEET TO FORGET, SANTA MONICA IN 1964, one of a set of 23 by Lance Nix.
This set is posted in the Flickr Photostream Lance & Cromwell (Back with Vacation Fotos)
I am particularly fond of these photos because this area of Santa Monica was one of my old playgrounds when I first arrived in California in 1959. Eventually, after spending 5 years in the U.S.Navy, I returned to this area and found it slightly changed, but still a fun place to reside for awhile. My thanks to Lance for permitting me to feature these priceless photographs of a time long gone, an era with some fond memories. These are much more than snapshots, they are images of a history of the 60s generation.
SANTA MONICA 28 March 1964 by Lance & Cromwell (Back with Vacation Fotos)
SANTA MONICA on 28 March 1964
MEMORIES TOO SWEET TO FORGET, SANTA MONICA IN 1964, one of a set of 23 by Lance Nix.
This set is posted in the Flickr Photostream Lance & Cromwell (Back with Vacation Fotos)
I am particularly fond of these photos because this area of Santa Monica was one of my old playgrounds when I first arrived in California in 1959. Eventually, after spending 5 years in the U.S.Navy, I returned to this area and found it slightly changed, but still a fun place to reside for awhile. My thanks to Lance for permitting me to feature these priceless photographs of a time long gone, an era with some fond memories. These are much more than snapshots, they are images of a history of the 60s generation.
SANTA MONICA on 28 March 1964 by Lance & Cromwell (Back with Vacation Fotos)
SANTA MONICA -- 28 March 1964
MEMORIES TOO SWEET TO FORGET, SANTA MONICA IN 1964, one of a set of 23 by Lance Nix.
This set is posted in the Flickr Photostream Lance & Cromwell (Back with Vacation Fotos)
I am particularly fond of these photos because this area of Santa Monica was one of my old playgrounds when I first arrived in California in 1959. Eventually, after spending 5 years in the U.S.Navy, I returned to this area and found it slightly changed, but still a fun place to reside for awhile. My thanks to Lance for permitting me to feature these priceless photographs of a time long gone, an era with some fond memories. These are much more than snapshots, they are images of a history of the 60s generation.
A WORK OF ART, CLASSIC IN ALL RESPECTS. Another great photo by Mustang Koji
Great photo. Studebakers, in my opinion, were works of art, designed by classical artists. They were ahead of their time. I am sad to say I never owned one. My uncle, however, owned a Studebaker convertible that I wanted so badly I could have cried. I am still somewhat angry at him for selling it before I could legally drive.
This one would be worth big dollars, I do believe.
Friday, October 21, 2011
I am soon to be finding out about the process of Shamanic journeying, being in two places at once, discovering the known and unkown, developing and discovering other aspects of the self. Sometimes, life seems to also echo around me, like I turned on the television and there was a programme about how the earth came into being, that it had a sister that smashed into it, this programme has merged with one that explained the phenomenon of two atoms being in different places at one time, and different points of view on the idea of being able to journey to alternative worlds. Art and text by Sam Aylwin.
This is a beautiful work. The text is thought provoking. Please post more of this genre on your Flickr Photostream.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
2011 Santorini, the beautiful Island of Greece.
One of my favorite photos in Peter's Flickr Photostream
The shades and hues of blues are exciting. Though blue is a cool color, you have captured the glory of the Grecian Isle's sunlight in a manner that adds warmth to that cool.
As an artist, I admire your composition, your framing, the depth of field used to keep the distance visible but not overdone.
Finally, the lines in the domed roofs makes the image most pleasant to view, a treat for the visual senses.
To say that this would make a great travel poster would be an understatement. It would, indeed, be a travel poster that would create responses in airline tickets, but I can also see it on exhibition in galleries.
Great work, Peter. You are a fantastic photographer.
2011 Santorini, the beautiful... by Peterusa's
Sunday, October 16, 2011
James Ensor
What a cavalier individual this artist is, surrounded by his own work. I do believe almost every emotion is evident in this image.
James Ensor by truity1967
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Budapest is often referred to as one of the most "beautiful cities of Europe." While surfing the Flickr photos, a pastime I enjoy, I came across a photo of Budapest. Suddenly, I said to myself: "This looks like it would be a great place to visit, a great place to paint and shoot photos." I must admit, I suddenly wished I was in my twenties again. I would imagine there are some beautiful women in Budapest. It looks like it would be city full of mystery and intrique, a city full of romance.
View from the Hill
View from the Hill
The most beautiful city in Europe.
@ Budapest, Hungary, Europe.
Monday, October 10, 2011
... of Robert Huffstutter
I have been intrigued with Robert's art for some time. I think he works mostly in colored pencil, but I could be wrong. It doesn't matter, what he basically works in is color on paper and his brain is too busy feeling the need to implant images and information on the paper, he is totally unconcerned with style and technique.
Robert is a pure natural painter. He's not a primitive as we defined that school of art from a long time ago. I would call Robert a naturalist, because he stays natural to not only his subject matter, but to himself. His is the kind of art that not only tells the message he is sending, but is magically therapeutic for him as well.
I know vocabulary is changed with time. My father would have studied about dementia praecox (sp), while I was told this title was obsolete and people could be paranoid or perhaps manic-depressive, but that dementia praecox no longer had meaning. Nowever Senile dementia is still a good descriptor.
Again, watch out for me, because I got my basic education over sixty years ago. Artistically children were grouped into two categories, visual and haptic. Visual people generally attempt to draw things as they visualize them, while haptic children tend to draw things as they FEEL them.
Robert is not totally haptic, because his layouts are all just the way you would see the subject matter, but on the other hand Robert strongly draws what he feels as well.
Here's an example of what a visual-haptic person can do. I watched this happen over the years with adults, trained and untrained, who were thus gifted.
Teaching adults for me was almost entirely for the night hours, so going out to sketch was impossible. I furnished a target image with a slide and projector. Most of the pictures I took of subject matter introduced was from either a kneeling or standing position and looking straight on at the subject. That usually placed the horizon line low or midway in the center of interest.
The haptic person, might be expected to do anything under the sun, whereas the visual person would usually do the expected layout and the teacher needed only to show them how to set up and correct the perspective and how to measure distances and comparisons and with a lot of practice a student could soon be drawing very realistic things.
Now, comes along a visual/haptic person and they do a very visual house the only thing is they draw the house they are looking straight into as if they were on the second floor of a house across the street and hence are not looking AT the house but DOWN ONTO the house. And, of course I stood there appalled. I mulled over the phenomenon over many years and never ever tried to tell the person not to do that.
What they were doing was a perspective project, so complicated, had I required a first semester drawing class to do it would have caused them to walk out on me. That kind of ability is one of the main things about a visual/haptic person.
I learned that as you begin to draw, you start work on the right side of your mind, very methodically doing everything very meticulously and thought-out. Then somewhere along the line, you began to paint automatically and become consciously unaware of the forces working within your mind. Here is where the miracles come from. Sometimes a sentenced ending in a preposition imparts great wisdom. Koff koff,
That stage is where the haptic person is all the time. They are working on the opposite side of their brains. Everything is emotional and everything is just as they want it to be. They have already arrived at style and technique. They are already purely original, as purely as an artist can be.
Visual/haptics, or what I call naturalists (a bad title because it sounds like they're collecting butterflies or bugs). Haptics and visual/haptics both resist training and the reason is they are doing what they came to do. They are not trying to develop a style, a technique or any of the words we use to describe painting and painters. They have arrived and just want to be free to work. They begin every picture on the opposite side of their brain and end it the same way. Actually, I think the visual/haptic has no dividing line and simply lives in a perfect blend of the two conditions or perhaps, they automatically flip back and forth from one brain hemisphere to the other.
I've told this badly, but I hope I've given you a new understanding into the kinds of artists we have amongst us.
Vaya con Dios, Roberto....
... as I meander through Robert's photostream, I always have the urge to CHANGE something, not improve and not correct, simply change it, so that now you have TWO to look at from time to time. Robert welcomes this kind of collaboration. I looked at his view (image on the left) of an LA street from a hotel lobby and thought about it with a GLOW all around the edges (image in the middle), then I wondered what if the glow "whispered" instead of spoke out loud (image on the right).
Here's a link to Robert/s photostream ...
Thursday, October 6, 2011
"I Will Always Be Young, the Big Lie"
by Robert L.Huffstutter
Do you remember when you were in your twenties and you knew you would always be young, fit and ready for whatever came your way with a smile?
This is one of the old Mustang brochures I stowed in a trunk back in 1969 when I bought a baby blue Mustang fastback. The year was 1969--the trade-in was the 1965 red Mustang convertible my wife bought before we were married.
She has always said the only reason I married her was because she had a brand new red Mustang convertible and I had only my Hush Puppies and was living in a low-rent apartment in Venice Beach. I didn't need a car. Or maybe it was the Traymore Hotel up on a street near Wilshire.
It has been so long ago, I can't really remember, I'm just glad it was the sixties and I was young and could sit in the club car of the Santa Fe's Southwest Limited and sip Vodka Martinis all the way home.
That was living. Indeed, it was a joyful life and time was standing still. I would forever be young and able.
Nevertheless, I took the Santa Fe back home to Missouri to check out her new Mustang. The rest is history. (That is not my wife in the bikini on the beach.)
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
I have seen the best of times and the worst of times in my country. This is the worst of times and it will, I predict, get much worse unless we get serious about who is going to lead this nation.
I have studied the candidates who are linked to the GOP. There is one and only one who will be able to lead this nation back to the right road, back to an attitude of genuine hope and change. That man is Herman Cain.
I would like to think that my contemporaries are as concerned about America as I am, but the only ones I see who have energy and zest are, unfortunately, the left-wing radicals.
The GOP is hung up on names that should be tossed. Whoever came up with the name "Tea Party" has done a great disservice to the Republican party. I am a conservative with many centerist virtues, but I am not a member of a tea party. It is time we flushed the name "tea party" down the drain and started calling ourselves Republicans.
From the time I first remember how government works, it has been "the Democrats vs the Republicans."
It is time we started identifying ourselves as Republicans to avoid all of the confusion that surrounds the GOP. As long as there is a rift between the numerous factions of the Republican Party, do not expect a Republican victory.
What more can I say to get this point across?
Herman Cain is most likely the only candidate who will be able to defeat Obama. Will the Democrats call us "racists" if we select Herman Cain as the Republican candidate?
There are those who might ask: "Is that your reason for wanting Cain as the GOP nominee?" Let me assure you it is not. I have studied the human nature of America; I have studied the economics of our great nation, and I have studied the great masses of the "silent majority" and I know there are people of all ethnic brands who hope we have a new and different President in 2013. That man is Herman Cain.
To quote the first President Bush about a "kinder and gentler America", let me state that if Herman Cain becomes President, we will become not only a kinder and gentler America, but a smarter and more powerful America. We will become a more honest America absent of ties with questionable natures; we will become a more prosperous nation, no longer the laughing stock of the Middle East and numerous other nations whose economies are outwitting ours.
If Herman Cain becomes President, we might just be able to let the Chinese make their own chop-sticks again and keep them from foreclosing on California and one or two of the New England states.
Think about it, this might be one of the last warnings you will get before we become a third world nation making sponges and trinkets instead of aircraft, diesels and farm equipment.
MAKE A LIST AND CHECK IT TWICE. There are those who continue to try and make a RACIST issue out of this upcoming election. Imagine? Guess who is creating this issue about RACISM.
Well, it is coming from Progressive Democrats. But it is coming from, of all people, Black Millionaires like Morgan Freeman and Samuel L. Jackson. They must like the sight of the Black Panthers around our President; they must like this "class warfare" division of the populace.
Guys like Freeman and Jackson are spewing garbage like "...they just want to get that guy out of office" or "...they jus wanna get that black man outta office!" Yes, I do want to get that guy out of office and so do millions of other American, Americans of all colors. Listen, fellows, you are right, I am white, but I am also one who loves common sense more than my color. Obama needs to be a one-term President because unless he is voted out, America will be in ruins, a kind of 21st century Rome.
I am totally shocked--and insulted. How many more black Americans are going to use this kind of crap to keep the Progressives in office? How many Americans are going to let the Obama administration give nations billions of dollars to drill for oil--and keep our American companies out of the energy search.
Chicken Cartoon
This is really good. Mr. Daniel Ted Feliciano is a great cartoonist. Check out his photostream for some great humor and provocative thought.
Bali Hai Restaurant c.1960
PHOTO BY KEVIN KIDNEY, a contact on Flickr. Take a look at his photos if you enjoy retro 60s and 70s. And if anyone has a time machine to take me back to the 60s, please book me ASAP....
A GOLDEN LABRAOODLE NAMED SAM.................."a gift from God" said Sam's owner who stated she and her husband had found him at Wayside Waifs. The lady spent her day spreading the Christian Gospel to all who petted Sam. It was a work in progress.