Monday, June 4, 2012


There was an enlisted men's club for NCOs in Yokohama during the 60s. It had been built as an officers club during the time when our Army was helping rebuild a nation. It was built by ARMY SPECIAL SERVICES and was the last of the "remnants of the Occupation." It was prime real estate and a great place for taking dates. Big band sounds type of music, dancing, elegant dining. It was a unique club.

WHO REMEMBERS THE ZEBRA CLUB:... by roberthuffstutter


  1. Oh yea! I remember it well. I was on "Cinderella" liberty and had to either be on the bass by 12: midnight, or on the base bus, which picked up at The Zebra, .

  2. I was Air Traffic Controller at Atsugi from 67 to 70. Met my first wife at the "Z". I remember the night Chip James and Bill Kribble had their sayonara party. The whole room sang Hey Jude. What a fun fucking night. I managed the Italian Gardens and later the Piano Bar after I got out of the Navy. Left Japan in 75.Fuckn "A" good times.

    1. I was in Japan from 1968 to 1978 l worked at the Italian gardens in the late 60 to the early 70s my name is ross

    2. I was stationed at NAS Atsugi 1965 through 1968 AC2 Dick Avery. I recall Larry Lohse, Dennis Hughner, ACC Chief Boyd, ACC Chief Loden, AC2 Wotran??, little/Junior League baseball for dependent kids, I ended up with 29 years of service and career that was the best for me.

    3. Oh yes. I was there in 1965, I was stationed at the Dental Dept atsugi nas. I used to meet my girl friend in Yokohama, Akiko Ohira. We would always go to the Zebra Club for a nice meal, while listening to T. YABUKI and his orchestra, then go across to Yamashta park for a romantic walk. What memories !

  3. I have great memories of the zebra Club in Yokohama Japan they had a band there made up of Air Force enlisted. They were called the houserockers

  4. And I remember Italian Garden we call it IT's. I understand that it was a bomb crater turned into a club.

  5. I remember catching it train in Yokohama being drunk to take a ride to atsugi wake up back in Yokohama again what happened to sagamoiska I said

  6. Our father was stationed there. We lived in Naval housing, Negishi Heights. Spent a lot of time at the theater, youth club, pool. The club would sponsor special occasions, such as Christmas parties and the family could attend. Bottomless shirley temples and stockings from Santa. Good times.

  7. I was born in 1955, my dad was a staff sargeant and met my Japanese mom on base in Yokohama. I remember the Zebra club and Seaside Club. I remember a pool I swam in but can't remember if it was the Seaside club. There was a kiddie pool and a pool with a diving board. Now I realize why I like the big band sound.

  8. In 1973 I worked at O'Club at Kominato. The manager was Mr. Savage. I remember many older men order Martine with 5 onions, younger men Tequila Sunrise, and older women like to drink Margarita. But I do not recall anyone at NCO's Seaside Club ever order Martine with 5 onions. Occasionally Seaside Club witness some physical altercation and SP took care of them impressively. As the summer break ends I returned to my college in Maine as the only Japanese student there. Good
