Wednesday, January 18, 2012


The origin of the "OCCUPY MOVEMENT" in the USA

"Like you are so right," stated the larger of the three lads. "I can hardly wait get in everybody's way and carry some signs and stuff," he continued while his comrades were so anxious to get their two cents in the discussion.

The youngsters had been taught by parents and grandparents that to succeed in America and become an asset to society, one needed to work. So, it was summertime and school was out. The lads had nothing to do because all of the lawn mowing jobs were already taken. The Country Club at Rockwood didn't need any caddys, the Unions told them they needed to wait until they were 18 to join up for a job.

"Like we could flip burgers at McDonalds," suggested the youngest boy with joy.

"No," the lad on the left said, "they haven't been invented yet."

"Well, what are we going to do all summer anyway?"

"Why don't we go down to the store and hang around. Maybe somebody will buy us an RC?"

"Man, that is one super idea, a really wonderful idea, for sure," the lad on the left added.

"And maybe they'll get us a Moon Pie too," the smallest of the three said, bubbling with joy.

"So, we all agree, then, okay, we will go hang out at Kelly's Store, just hang out in front and goof around, like 'occupy' or something like that, huh?"

"Yea, like we can OCCUPY THE STORE 'til we get a free Moon Pie and an RC, cool."

Let me make myself perfectly clear, demonstrations and the right to assembly to voice griefs are protected rights, but when an entire segment of the population begins wandering about, rambling on and on in what seems to be an aimless cause, creating hazards and becoming a nuisance factor, the safety and welfare of the public becomes an issue.

The "occupy" people have not yet made it clear what they are protesting, and why. Are they seeking to get rid of democracy and free enterprise? If this is the case, they should be removed to a pier and marched aboard a vessel bound for a nation where there is a Totalitarian government.

Give them time to think about what will happen if they sail, thus giving them a chance to disembark the vessel and enjoy their freedom here in the USA.

What do you think? Would this serve as a wake-up call?

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