Saturday, August 7, 2010



President Obama has pointed out that the Constitution is basically a document that is about "what the government doesn't do or cannot do for you or to you."

In the same speech, he mentions that the Constitution is "...not a document that outlines what the Government can do for you or to you." The above is to paraphrase what President Obama said; I am looking for his exact words on the subject. Since hearing him describe the Constitution in those terms, I have been searching my mind for his reasons for mentioning the subject. It is, for certain, one interesting subject and one that all Americans might want to ponder.

While the President is enjoying a well-deserved vacation at Martha's Vineyard, I am going to visit a few vineyards wherever I might happen to be at any given moment.

There are many vineyards in California and a good number in Missouri. The wine from either of the states can be sweet or bitter depending upon one's preferences. I have a small book, an old Penguin book I purchased many years ago, that includes the Constitution and thousands of footnotes in reference to the many folks who have had different views that had to be settled, once and for all.

Well, some haven't really been settled "once and for all." That's the scarry aspect to Constitutional law. Mr. Obama, if I remember correctly, was a student in Constitutional Law, thus I feel confident he knows much more about the law that governs this great nation than I have learned. However, one great fact about the Constitution is that it's basically a simple and easy-to-read document. It is the kind of document, in my opinion, that is strikingly straightforward without room for imagination to fill the spaces between the lines.

That is the great feature about the Constitution that has made these United States the greatest Democracy on earth, a fact I know President Obama realizes. That he has taken the Presidential oath to preserve this document and protect it, and the people, from all enemies, foreign and domestic, gives me assurance that he will make the right decisions. In this respect, the Constitution is a very basic document; it leaves no room for doubt about who is for us and who is against us.

Having visited vineyards at various times during my lifetime, I know that there are places where one can reflect and rest in the shade, little areas where one might want to simply take time out, not for wine, but for some serious consideration about what our nation is going to be in ten years, in twenty years, or one-hundred years from now. If I had my life to repeat, I might have selected Constitutional Law as my academic specialty.

Until recently, I had never considered how interesting the Consitution can be when one begins an attempt to try to understand it more clearly. In this respect, President Obama has added new inspiration for millions of Americans of all ages to be more aware of our Constitution________________________________________

Some of my viewing friends told me this reminds them of a vineyard out of season. Thus, I have tied it into an essay below about "Reflections in a Vineyard." This is an essay that is available in one of my blogs, BLOGABOUTHETRUTH.

Uploaded by roberthuffstutter on 27 Sep 08, 4.06PM PDT.

And for our youth who have yet to make their decision about their future, one can fairly assume that many new students will be enrolling in Constitutional Law courses

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