Wednesday, February 29, 2012


渡り鳥 by oda.shinsuke
渡り鳥, a photo by oda.shinsuke on Flickr.

渡り鳥 by oda.shinsuke

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Joan of Arc - Donato Giancola, 2011

Joan of Arc - Donato Giancola, 2011
HD Wallpaper.

To view the film trailer 'Painting Joan of Arc with Donato Giancola', or to purchase the film on DVD for yourself or someone you love VERY much, please click on one of the following links:

I'm no good at hype --- that said, in portraying a moment in history, artist Donato Giancola has perhaps in fact unknowingly MADE history. This painting is very much destined to embark upon a fast-track to international fame and quickly escalating appreciation, in every sense. So if by any chance, the art community of France fails to seek the most honourable and dignified patriation of this work, by any and all means, I will have to assume that the painting has struck them all blind... as, I must admit, my own eyes have been somewhat stricken to swim inconsolably since I've seen it.

From my vantage point, Donato Giancola's true talent is the ability to see. His depiction of Joan "in her moment" prevents me from holding back my tears... Six centuries after Joan of Arc's birth, someone has FINALLY captured her true essence and her experience for all time!

The image has God's breath upon it. I hope and I pray that Giancola's Joan of Arc will find it's way onto French soil --- it is without question or doubt (or equal) the single most important depiction of Saint Joan of Arc ever created.

Donato Giancola's name should rightfully be forever linked with THE defining image of Saint Joan of Arc...


Codi von Richthofen,
Saint Joan of Arc Superstar.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Tchelitchew, Pavel (1898-1957) - 1946 Anatomical Painting (Whitney Museum of American Art (New York City)

Tchelitchew, Pavel (1898-1957) - 1946 Anatomical Painting (Whitney Museum of American Art (New York City)
Oil on canvas; 142.2 x 116.8 cm.

Pavel Tchelitchew was a Russian-born surrealist painter, set designer and costume designer. He left Russia in 1920, lived in Berlin from 1921 to 1923, and moved to Paris in 1923. In Paris Tchelitchew became acquainted with Gertrude Stein and, through her, the Sitwell and Gorer families. He and Edith Sitwell had a long-standing close friendship and they corresponded frequently.

His first U.S. show was of his drawings, along with other artists, at the newly-opened Museum of Modern Art in 1930. In 1934, he moved from Paris to New York City with his partner, writer Charles Henri Ford. From 1940 to 1947, he provided illustrations for the Surrealist magazine View, edited by Ford and writer and film critic Parker Tyler. His most significant work is the painting Hide and Seek, painted in 1940–42, and currently on display in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. He became a United States citizen in 1952 and died in Grottaferrata, Italy in 1957.

Tchelitchew's early painting was abstract in style, described as Constructivist and Futurist and influenced by his study with Aleksandra Ekster in Kiev. After emigrating to Paris he became associated with the Neoromanticism movement. He continuously experimented with new styles, eventually incorporating multiple perspectives and elements of surrealism and fantasy into his painting. As a set and costume designer, he collaborated with Serge Diaghliev and George Balanchine, among others.

Among Tchelitchew's well-known paintings are portraits of Natalia Glasko, Edith Sitwell and Gertrude Stein and the works Phenomena (1936-1938) and Cache Cache (1940-1942). He designed sets for Ode (Paris, 1928), L'Errante (Paris, 1933), Nobilissima Visione (London, 1938) and Ondine (Paris, 1939), among other productions.
I sometimes have severe pain in my back. When I feel like it is just too old to work, I can view this image and be thankfullll I sm still walking around, not like I did when I was 50, but I can still walk about.

How many doctors would love to have a print of this masterpiece to enhance their waiting rooms? Or would it drive away those sceduled for an MRI, surgery, etc?

Tchelitchew, Pavel... by RasMarley



ISLANDS IN THE STREAM (Photos... by rchrdstranger


FttngTRBTE-FrA_ClbrtyDTH-1215... by rchrdstranger

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

figure 848

figure 848  by r8r
figure 848 , a photo by r8r on Flickr.
figure 848 by r8r

figure 848 by r8r

figure 848

figure 848  by r8r
figure 848 , a photo by r8r on Flickr.

This is most unique, like no other I have viewed. Simply titled "Girl on a Bench", this is the type of art one expects to see a major exhibits or in the galleries where expressionism and impressionism is featured. I could easily go on and on, but I would recommend those who are fond of art and collecting art view the entire online exhibit and enjoy the fascination.While some of his work is available, I do not know about this piece. To view his Flickr Photostream, follow the link below this text. RLH Editor

figure 848 by r8r

pitcher of flowers and backyard

pitcher of flowers and backyard by r8r
pitcher of flowers and backyard, a photo by r8r on Flickr.

DISCOVERED ON THE FLICKR PHOTOSTREAM...a masterpiece in every aspect and dimension. Flickr viewers have compared this to both the work of "...Van Gaugh and Gauguin at the same time." I'm in agreement, the colors and commposition are akin to the works of some of the best impressionists and expressionists. For those who are collectors, the artist's work is available.

It is a joy to view such works.

pitcher of flowers and backyard by r8r

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Mothers bread ghost ad.

This is a classic. The sign, of course, is the focal point of joy, but the copper-domed cathederals in the background are a feature that turns heads. Europe? No, Pittsburgh. How cool.
Mothers bread ghost ad. by Dorsett Studios

Steam in NE China - video link

This is just one of many unique photos you will see when you visit this Flickr Photostream. The photographer is a genius, in my opinion, shooting photos in China, England and throughout the industrial sites of today and yesterday.
Steam in NE China - video link by stephenwolstenholme.t21

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

Classics at the Courthouse

Surely, this photo will touch the heart and soul of all who grew up in the USA when gas was .36 cents a gallon, when GM was painting Pontiacs bright and beautiful colors, when Gulf Oil signs were everywhere, when the County Courthouse was on the square where it had been and where it should be--America in the 60s, a great experience for most all who lived then.

Neat view at sunset in Hillsboro, TX!! For info on the Hill County courthouse, see: . For info on Hillsboro, County Hill, Texas, visit:

Classics at the Courthouse by maorlando-God sustained me 2011 walking w/ me 2012


I ONCE WAY YOUNG AND NOW I AM OLD. When I woke in the mornings when I was young, I knew there would be a tommorrow. Now, when I wake in the mornings, I hope there will be a tommorrow.

This is how to describe getting old, brief and simple.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

SANTA MONICA 28 March 1964

Those of us who were of that 60s generation might vaguely recall evangelists. Who among us listened? Whatever his reason, he made the photograph a "one-in-a-million" type of photo and Lance was there to capture that moment in time. It is a photo that speaks volumes in the history of the 60s generation lifestyles. Really, upon looking at the young women and young men, they were a very peaceful and docile group. What a great photograph.

I am particularly fond of these photos because this area of Santa Monica was one of my old playgrounds when I first arrived in California in 1959. Eventually, after spending 5 years in the U.S.Navy, I returned to this area and found it slightly changed, but still a fun place to reside for awhile. My thanks to Lance for permitting me to feature these priceless photographs of a time long gone, an era with some fond memories. These are much more than snapshots, they are images of a history of the 60s generation.
Thanks to Lance Nix for permitting me to exhibit his classic reminders of my memories of Venice Beach, California
SANTA MONICA 28 March 1964 by Lance & Cromwell

SANTA MONICA -- 28 March 1964

A GREAT BALANCING ACT, but this image also gives one an idea of the traditional beachfront styles of homes that lines the Promenade back in the 1960s before the concrete was poured and the Promenade would would never be the same. Today, there are no homes for less than one-million dollars available. In 1961, I could have bought a beachfront cottage for $10,000. Why didn't I buy the cottage? I was in the Navy and knew it wouldn't be long before it was time for my duty change from NAS North Island to some foreign duty port ooor perhaps to a carrier. I enjoyed my weekends in Venice as often as possible.
SANTA MONICA -- 28 March 1964
Photo project for state college photo journalism class back in 1964.

SANTA MONICA on 28 March 1964

...Oh', I could mention that my reason for selecting this photograph was because I finally found out the name of the hotel on the beach I so well remember when I arrived in Santa Monica, but that would be less than truthful.

Yes, I am happy to have learned that the hotel one sees in this scene is the Hotel Monica, but what puzzles me still is the color. No matter how hard I try, I cannot come up with the color, but something tells me it was white.

Now, about the real reason I selected this photo. Notice how the young lady with the long, gorgeous hair is standing, as if she had just captured the head of BLMISC Club*.

Without a doubt, she has plans for her captive. Keep in mind, Muscle Beach is only a couple of stones throw from where she is so gallantly standing with her toes curled around the young and handsome man whose expression is one of imaginative anticipation and surpressed glee.

If this photograph does not create a lustful thought or two in my mind, I would be too old to remember what fun it was to be young and on the beach in sunny southern California.

* Best Looking Men In Southern California
SANTA MONICA on 28 March 1964 by Lance & Cromwell

SANTA MONICA on 28 March 1964

SANTA MONICA near the beach on 28 March 1964
Teenage girls near the Santa Monica Pier in 1964. Photo project for state college photo journalism class.
SANTA MONICA on 28 March 1964 by Lance & Cromwell

SANTA MONICA near the beach on 28 March 1964

THIS IS A PHOTO THAT TAKES MY MIND BACK 50 PLUS YEARS, thanks to Lance Nix for taking a set of photos titled SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA IN 1964. If you have not yet visited his Flickr Photostream, now is the time.
SANTA MONICA near the beach on 28 March 1964
Teenage girls near the Santa Monica Pier in 1964. Photo project for state college photo journalism class.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Joan of Arc in the British Lines at Loos - Stanley L. Wood for The War Illustrated, December 4, 1915

So much detail in this combat scene, so much horror all around, yet there she is, defying all evil and serving as kind of gentle armor to preserve the troops for a safe return. Great illustration. Thanks for sharing this with all of us who love freedom.
A Joan of Arc in the British... by Saint Joan of Arc Superstar ©

My American Idols

My American Idols by mlangsam2004
My American Idols, a photo by mlangsam2004 on Flickr.

If Only We Were All Egual in the Beginning

If only our founding fathers had made all equal at the beginning instead of having to fight a civil war to get that equality. And that equality did not take effect, in truth, until LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act in 1965. So much of todays troubles would never have had a chance to fester and bleed.

There is so much to say about this. I know. It had to be done the way it was lest our nation would never have united. I have yet to read anything substantial about how we could have become a nation with true freedom for all from academia about this subject.

Of course, this would be to comment on the world of "if" another waste of time, but satisfactory for comparisons nonetheless.

By Robert L. Huffstutter
My American Idols by mlangsam2004

Occupy Who You Really Are

There are so many OCCUPY this and thats that they are creating confusion amonst the populace. Is this their goal, their agenda? Would someone please write a defining essay on the "occupy" groups.
Occupy Who You Really Are by mlangsam2004

Thursday, February 2, 2012


BRIGITTE  BARDOT by mhdantholz
BRIGITTE BARDOT, a photo by mhdantholz on Flickr.

BRIGITTE BARDOT,A MASTERPIECE OF HOT, created by MHDANTHOLZ...Thanks for sharing this most explosive montage or collage.