Saturday, February 25, 2012

Joan of Arc - Donato Giancola, 2011

Joan of Arc - Donato Giancola, 2011
HD Wallpaper.

To view the film trailer 'Painting Joan of Arc with Donato Giancola', or to purchase the film on DVD for yourself or someone you love VERY much, please click on one of the following links:

I'm no good at hype --- that said, in portraying a moment in history, artist Donato Giancola has perhaps in fact unknowingly MADE history. This painting is very much destined to embark upon a fast-track to international fame and quickly escalating appreciation, in every sense. So if by any chance, the art community of France fails to seek the most honourable and dignified patriation of this work, by any and all means, I will have to assume that the painting has struck them all blind... as, I must admit, my own eyes have been somewhat stricken to swim inconsolably since I've seen it.

From my vantage point, Donato Giancola's true talent is the ability to see. His depiction of Joan "in her moment" prevents me from holding back my tears... Six centuries after Joan of Arc's birth, someone has FINALLY captured her true essence and her experience for all time!

The image has God's breath upon it. I hope and I pray that Giancola's Joan of Arc will find it's way onto French soil --- it is without question or doubt (or equal) the single most important depiction of Saint Joan of Arc ever created.

Donato Giancola's name should rightfully be forever linked with THE defining image of Saint Joan of Arc...


Codi von Richthofen,
Saint Joan of Arc Superstar.


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