Friday, January 27, 2012


ONE OF NOT ENOUGH PHOTOS taken on my first trip to New York City in 1960. My first leave in the Navy was spent flying as much as possible via MATS and hitch-hiking where and when I couldn't make flight or bus contacts according to my schedule. It was crazy, but it was fun and I saw much of what I had been wanting to see while a grade school and high school student.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Old Man Contemplating Death.

Old Man Contemplating Death.
Old Man Contemplating Death.
His life flew by in a flash.
Most of his time now is thinking of the past.
The good times,
the bad.
Now he thinks of the after life.
Never before has he thought so much,
about the possibility of life after death,
But now he is always aware of it.
Does it exist?
Or is this it?
None the less,
he shall find out,
before the setting sun.

Old Man Contemplating Death. by Steve.D.Hammond
While this poem is not bright and gull of glee, it says much about my mind and me.
Robert L. Huffstutter, editor

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Photo of Western Blue Bird by CALIBAS, LIVERMORE, CA.

Western Blue Bird (Sialia mexicana) taken in Livermore, California by Calibas.

Yesterday, I took a glance at my wife's birdfeeder and saw a sight I hadn't seen for more than 40 years. I was overcome with awe. Two Bluebirds had stopped by for a brief feeding. It was a moment in time I hope will return.

Information furnished by WIKIPEDIA. "Wikipedia is one of the greatest online sources of knowledge I have found." Earl R. Stonebridge

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Digit 567

Digit 567 by uk vintage
Digit 567, a photo by uk vintage on Flickr.

THIS IS A GREAT COVER. Anyone why says sailors don't read hasn't been in the barracks or aboard ship. This is the subject matter many sailors read back in the 60s. Looks like Ed Spender, the author, might have spent a bit up and down San Diego's Broadway.

UK VINTAGE has a terrific photostream. There should be a book for all who enjoys a good cover--and the story. Browse their bookstore for cool covers of the 40s through the 60s. Great collection.
Digit 567 by uk vintage

Rent genuine beatniks

Rent genuine beatniks by mouffettefatale
Rent genuine beatniks, a photo by mouffettefatale on Flickr.

Now, how about aged beatniks lecturing on the contrast between then and now?

Rent genuine beatniks by mouffettefatale

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


The origin of the "OCCUPY MOVEMENT" in the USA

"Like you are so right," stated the larger of the three lads. "I can hardly wait get in everybody's way and carry some signs and stuff," he continued while his comrades were so anxious to get their two cents in the discussion.

The youngsters had been taught by parents and grandparents that to succeed in America and become an asset to society, one needed to work. So, it was summertime and school was out. The lads had nothing to do because all of the lawn mowing jobs were already taken. The Country Club at Rockwood didn't need any caddys, the Unions told them they needed to wait until they were 18 to join up for a job.

"Like we could flip burgers at McDonalds," suggested the youngest boy with joy.

"No," the lad on the left said, "they haven't been invented yet."

"Well, what are we going to do all summer anyway?"

"Why don't we go down to the store and hang around. Maybe somebody will buy us an RC?"

"Man, that is one super idea, a really wonderful idea, for sure," the lad on the left added.

"And maybe they'll get us a Moon Pie too," the smallest of the three said, bubbling with joy.

"So, we all agree, then, okay, we will go hang out at Kelly's Store, just hang out in front and goof around, like 'occupy' or something like that, huh?"

"Yea, like we can OCCUPY THE STORE 'til we get a free Moon Pie and an RC, cool."

Let me make myself perfectly clear, demonstrations and the right to assembly to voice griefs are protected rights, but when an entire segment of the population begins wandering about, rambling on and on in what seems to be an aimless cause, creating hazards and becoming a nuisance factor, the safety and welfare of the public becomes an issue.

The "occupy" people have not yet made it clear what they are protesting, and why. Are they seeking to get rid of democracy and free enterprise? If this is the case, they should be removed to a pier and marched aboard a vessel bound for a nation where there is a Totalitarian government.

Give them time to think about what will happen if they sail, thus giving them a chance to disembark the vessel and enjoy their freedom here in the USA.

What do you think? Would this serve as a wake-up call?


or...almost too tired to care

by Earl R. Stonebridge

There comes the time when we just get too damned tired to care...about much more than the next meal and getting enough sleep to keep from dozing at the steering wheel. Is it apathy? Too tired of what? Basically, too tired of American. Oh, I know, there will be those who will say my exhaustion is a "lack of concern" for my fellow Americans, other citizens I see and sometimes speak to everyday, others I rarely see and never speak to. Would we be better citizens if we were able to speak to each other every day? That's a question for the world of "IF" and hence, a question we can toss. But really, maybe we are not talking to enough of our neighbors and our associates, our co-workers, our family members. I know that some people have more to say to strangers than they have to share with family members. Why? I asked myself that question and decided communications between family members was too complex to contemplate for inclusion in an essay of this scope; kinfolks either love to talk to each other or loathe anything but basic communication.But there is some chance for a vivid conversation with a stranger, right? Don't count on it. As Americans, we are legendary positive thinkers; well, we were once. We were weren't we? I recall lively conversations about subjects other than the price of gasoline per gallon. Do I now or did I ever think the price of gas was exciting? No, not since 1958 when gas was .21 cents per gallon. I was stupid then. I could have purchased enough to last me until now...and didn't do it. Well, not really, but I could have invested in some autos and put them in a cold storage cave. Or I could have invested several thousand dollars in an Arkansas five and ten cent store back in 1970. It became Walmart and several thousand invested eventually turned into a few cool million. I could have bought beach front property in Santa Monica in 1961 for around ten grand, that's $10,000 for a clapboard beachfront cottage with personality. But I didn't. So, I am tired...but it has nothing to do with age or yesterday's opportunities that slipped past my grasp. No, it is deeper than that. It is this burden one must carry for being American. And just what in the hell does that mean? What do you mean...tired of being American? Does anyone remember the man in the grey flannel suit? How about...The Ugly American? Tired, tired, tired of being just another American, one member of the human race most responsible for the way the world really sucks today. And all because...I am an American. You are guilty too if you're an American, especially guilty if you are a Protestant Anglo-Saxon type. Are you sick of it? Okay, you're Italian, and a Catholic,but you know what I mean, right? Sure, sure, you do. You are retired from TWA and it's all your fault! Your taxes in the thousands fed how many hungry orphans all over the world? No, don't try and count. Tired of all the crap...that's right! How many good and great men did we see driven through or pulled through the streets of Washington on the way to their graves for serving the public. Killed in cold blood for what...for being American. And there was that war in Vietnam that was all about's long over. There's the Wall and the years between then and now. American men, new dads then... that never returned were fathers never known; they too became grandfathers in time, silent though they were, with grandchildren who left school pictures at the Wall...even in the rain. So many winters since then, since it all ended, since the men and women who were there were about to think that was the right thing. Well, at least Vietnam is kind of a democracy today...or it seems so. The people are friendly, I have heard, to the men and women who go back to get a final glimpse. Yes, they are friendly. It's all over, all is forgiven and so on and so on. And then, just about time when it's supper time again, we hear about how many Americans were killed today...somewhere in the Middle East, in some other foreign land with towns and areas with strange names...kind of like it was in Vietnam. Tired, tired, tired...and it is happening all over again so that people in a foreign land will be able to be worship as they please and enjoy freedom. Should I be thrilled that people in the Middle East will be able to worship as they that we have lost another dozen or so soldiers since yesterday? You know, I just don't think I'm the only American who is tired, so very tired of hearing this. Sometimes, when we get too tired to care anymore...or think we are, we hear about another soldier who was shot by an unknown sniper. Or we see the burned and melted steel that was an American vehicle transporting four or five American soldiers who were blown up. American soldiers now being captured, tortured, shot and killed while some members of the American media complain about how the enemy is treated when we permit them to surrender ...and we wonder how much longer it will continue. We are tired, tired of trying to figure out if the war will be won sooner or later or never...May God bless our troops who are trying to do their best. Nobody but Americans care enough to fight and die for a people with a culture and spiritual belief so much different than our own.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sunrise Darker

Sunrise Darker by M. Harclerode
Sunrise Darker, a photo by M. Harclerode on Flickr.

INTENSE GLORY......above and thankful for another day. You captured solid gold here.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


tip of the bergCreeeepy Hotel HallwaysSussing Out ThingsMy stepsBusLa toilette
Vienna Brat (detail)Neighbour's RoseLovelyIMG_0142mall fun

The story begins in a northern part of North America.

The cast of characters is too long to introduce here. Let us proceed to the gallery, then, to find out what is about to happen in this most unique episode, or escapade, involving an attractive blonde and a male who is either real or imagined, a man she feels has been following her for years.

She senses he has a reason he is trying to contact her, but she is just too paranoid to meet him at the appointed place and time. It has been, she feels, a lifetime of invitations she has refused to answer. What is it that this real or imagined male has to discuss?

PERILS OF THE HUNT FOR A..., by roberthuffstutter

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mutt and Jeff 056

Mutt and Jeff 056 by micky the pixel
Mutt and Jeff 056, a photo by micky the pixel on Flickr.

THEY MADE ME LAUGH IN 1949...and they still make me laugh today. How great it was to have comic books filled with genuine humor.

Thanks to Michael Studt for sharing his material on Flickr
Mutt and Jeff 056 by micky the pixel

North Beach, San Francisco

Cool, crisp and clear. Wonderful slice of life. I lived in North Beach for a time in the 60s and it was a wild and crazy lifestyle. Too intense to stay on, too fast for me, but the fun is fond memories.
Thanks to DAVE GLASS for a great photo and reminder of my time in North Beach back in the 1960s..RLH

Friday, January 6, 2012


Untitled by MikyAgo
Untitled, a photo by MikyAgo on Flickr.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tomando el sol en las Tullerias,Paris

You are enjoying life. It is good to see Paris in sunshine and students working on ideas and creations yet painted. I enjoyed my youth. Enjoy, my friend.

Tomando el sol en las... by hellboys_senior

Contest - 3220007

Contest - 3220007 by laconservancy
Contest - 3220007, a photo by laconservancy on Flickr.

This would be my choice for a Pacific Coast studio. It appears perfect in every way, shape and form.
Contest - 3220007 by laconservancy

Reflections 116

Reflections 116 by Dalma Szallonntai
Reflections 116, a photo by Dalma Szallonntai on Flickr.


Dalma, there is a serenity in this image that is surreal in the definition of its publication. While this might sound like a complex review, it is simple in my mind: I really like this photograph.

Your work frequently reminds me of your published philosophy and statement of purpose:

"Art is my religion my politics and my life is friends & family."

This photograph is inviting; it is meticulously swept and shined.

Your spiritual visitors will be pleased as they view your gallery, stopping and lingering at length, studying your work, understanding some of your work, enjoying your work, but leaving a portion of your exhibition for their imagination.

You are on my mind as this new year begins. Here's a new year's wish for you: continue creating your beautiful works.


••• RCAF Remembered …

••• RCAF Remembered …
"THREE THOUSAND MILES across a hunted ocean they came, wearing on the shoulder of their tunics the treasured name, "CANADA," telling the world their origin.

Young men and women they were, some still in their teens, fashioned by their Maker to love, not to kill, but proud and earnest in their mission to stand, and if it had to be, to die, for their country and for freedom.

One day, when the history of the twentieth century is finally written, it will be recorded that when human society stood at the crossroads and civilization itself was under siege, the Royal Canadian Air Force was there to fill the breach and help give humanity the victory.

And all those who had a part in it will have left to posterity a legacy of honour, of courage, and of valour that time can never despoil."

Father J.P. Lardie, Chaplain of 419/428 Squadron
(Engraved on the last panel are these words from his speech at the dedication of the RCAF Memorial at Middleton St. George, Great Britain 15/6/85.
An excellent way to exhibit an aircraft...humanity is sometimes better than we imagined.

Monday, January 2, 2012

TRANSITIONS: The Seasons of Our Lives

TRANSITIONS: The Seasons of Our Lives
Each season has a scrapbook of mental images in our minds. One image I find myself recalling is the picture of an autumn, perfect in every respect. Snow is anticipated, but not guaranteed.

Once December is over, there are the whistles and bells to remind Nature another year has passed. How many million? Who knows, but Nature will allow us to hope for Spring as it has for the decades in our mind's memories.

Even while viewing the beauty of a rust colored autumn, Spring colors keep us waiting for yet another season of our lives.

Photo and text by Robert L. Huffstutter

P2V Neptune

P2V Neptune by Lockheed Martin
P2V Neptune, a photo by Lockheed Martin on Flickr.

I was fortunate enough to catch a flight in one of these unique aircraft back in the mid-60s while in the USN.
P2V Neptune by Lockheed Martin


1941-Life-Cover by jdodson_303
1941-Life-Cover, a photo by jdodson_303 on Flickr.

Pan American will always hold a warm spot in my heart and mind, especially in my spirit. It was on a Pan American 707 that I flew to Tokyo, Japan in August of 1961.

We stopped in Hawaii long enough for refueling and long enough to purchase a post card. I recall a quick glance at Diamondhead and then off again. The pilot dipped down shortly after takeoff from Honolulu to give us a look at a small island, Midway Island, where a WWII battle made the difference in World War II.

It was on this flight where the new attendants, costumed in silk kimonos, served us Kirin beer. They handed us small rolls of hot linen for wiping our faces. "Make you feel fresh," the attendant told us. I recall how beautiful the young Japanese woman was. It was then, I believe, that I fell in love with Japan, even before I arrived. Yes, thinking back about the flight 50 years later, I must say with all honesty that it was one of the highlights of my life.

We landed at the old Tokyo International. From the time we took off in the a.m. from San Francisco, I did not see the evening until I was, at last, checked into my new duty station at NAS Atsugi, Japan.

It was a most exciting adventure for a young lad still in his teens. It was certainly one of the experiences of my LIFE.
1941-Life-Cover by jdodson_303

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Beautiful view from Lamma Island,Hong Kong 風景如畫的香港南丫島

Beautiful view from Lamma Island,Hong Kong 風景如畫的香港南丫島
Lamma Island 南丫島, also known as Pok Liu Chau 博寮洲, is the third largest island in Hong Kong.
Lamma was named after the shape of the island which looks like the limb of a tree, or the Chinese character 丫 , and Naam meaning "south". Lamma (南丫) thus means literally "southern Y". The name can also mean "Southern Peninsula Island".
The original name of the island is Pok Liu. The island is shaped like two Y in opposite direction. The north Y is Pak A (北丫) and south Y is Nam A (南丫). When the British first came to the island, they used the colloquial pronunciation of Nam Ah, i.e. "Lam Ah (Lamma)" as the name of the island. The Chinese names of East Lamma Channel (東博寮海峽) and West Lamma Channel (西博寮海峽) are still formed from Pok Liu instead of Nam A.
Lamma Island is located to the southwest of Hong Kong Island. It has an area of 13.55 km².The northern village is called Yung Shue Wan (Banyan Tree Bay) and the eastern village is called Sok Kwu Wan. Few people live on the southern part of Lamma. Access for much of this part is by hiking or private boat. Sham Wan, an important breeding site for sea turtles, is located there.
Mount Stenhouse is the tallest mountain in Lamma (353 metres above sea-level), situated between Sok Kwu Wan and Sham Wan. Unusually shaped rocks can be found all over this mountain, but a gruelling hike is necessary to access these. Photo and text by TRAVELHAHA
Beautiful view from Lamma... by travelhaha