Saturday, January 30, 2010

PR-21 "Final Flight"

PR-21 "Final Flight"
Originally uploaded by wingsnstuff
PR-21 "Final Flight"
I drew this drawing for my best friend Dennis Clark. Denny was a crew member on PR-21 before it fell prey to North Korean MiGs. This drawing was for Denny, but honors the crew of PR-21 and all who flew the Connies in harms way.

Uploaded by wingsnstuff


It was with great sorrow that I learned of this cowardly act by an enemy force. As a former member of VQ-1 while it was in Japan, I assume that I saw PR-21, but that was 47 years ago and I cannot recall the numbers of our planes; and it was a long time after the event that I learned of the event. I do not recall the event in the news at the time it happened. Did the media cover it when it happened or was it kept confidential? I only learned of it when I finally got a PC in 05 and began researching favorite subjects. Of course, I do recall with vivid memory when one of VQ-1s planes had to make an emergency landing on Hainan and were held for a few days, ten days or so.

That the plane was disassembled and shipped home was a real insult. Thankfully, our relations with China, I believe, have improved since that happened.

I have some great memories of the squadron; I had a lot of friends, but have not run across any since I left in December of 63 after more than two fabulous years of duty. Were you in FAIRECONRON ONE while it was still at NAS ATSUGI?

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