Wednesday, October 5, 2011


IMAG0648 by hermancain
IMAG0648, a photo by hermancain on Flickr.



I have seen the best of times and the worst of times in my country. This is the worst of times and it will, I predict, get much worse unless we get serious about who is going to lead this nation.

I have studied the candidates who are linked to the GOP. There is one and only one who will be able to lead this nation back to the right road, back to an attitude of genuine hope and change. That man is Herman Cain.

I would like to think that my contemporaries are as concerned about America as I am, but the only ones I see who have energy and zest are, unfortunately, the left-wing radicals.

The GOP is hung up on names that should be tossed. Whoever came up with the name "Tea Party" has done a great disservice to the Republican party. I am a conservative with many centerist virtues, but I am not a member of a tea party. It is time we flushed the name "tea party" down the drain and started calling ourselves Republicans.

From the time I first remember how government works, it has been "the Democrats vs the Republicans."

It is time we started identifying ourselves as Republicans to avoid all of the confusion that surrounds the GOP. As long as there is a rift between the numerous factions of the Republican Party, do not expect a Republican victory.

What more can I say to get this point across?

Herman Cain is most likely the only candidate who will be able to defeat Obama. Will the Democrats call us "racists" if we select Herman Cain as the Republican candidate?

There are those who might ask: "Is that your reason for wanting Cain as the GOP nominee?" Let me assure you it is not. I have studied the human nature of America; I have studied the economics of our great nation, and I have studied the great masses of the "silent majority" and I know there are people of all ethnic brands who hope we have a new and different President in 2013. That man is Herman Cain.

To quote the first President Bush about a "kinder and gentler America", let me state that if Herman Cain becomes President, we will become not only a kinder and gentler America, but a smarter and more powerful America. We will become a more honest America absent of ties with questionable natures; we will become a more prosperous nation, no longer the laughing stock of the Middle East and numerous other nations whose economies are outwitting ours.

If Herman Cain becomes President, we might just be able to let the Chinese make their own chop-sticks again and keep them from foreclosing on California and one or two of the New England states.

Think about it, this might be one of the last warnings you will get before we become a third world nation making sponges and trinkets instead of aircraft, diesels and farm equipment.

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